Friday, December 29, 2006
Happy New Year :)
Happy New Year everyone. :)While this holiday season has been anything but a holiday (thanks to the beastly heap of hws and projects the teachers left us with), the "break" was still rather good, although for some reason this Christmas was slightly sadder than last year's. My "income" from the aginaldos was, however, better, and I'm now a thousand something pesos richer. Great haul this year. I love the holidays though. I love all the lights and the way they make everything seem brighter and more than ordinary. I love the presents (and the money, of course) and the fantabulous food, but not the calories so much, though. In a matter of some hours, we'll be ushering in the new year. Yipee! because this year's finally over and because of the media noche we'll be having tomorrow, and Yipee..because January = Back to School = subjection to more stress. I'll be glad when we finally graduate and step into college, although I'll be missing the closeness and security in high school.
written at 8:41 PM